The Fifth Agreement



Check one, two. Check one, two. Sorry I have left you readers so long without a blog post. As a creator, sometimes you have to simply step back from your creativity and art, and live. The best content frequently derives from the lessons learned through simply living.

About a month ago, I read The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Ruiz, and Janet Mills. This book was unexpectedly very, very good. And I say unexpectedly, because it looks to be on some natural, spiritual stuff. I don’t typically read spiritual books, but this particular one was referred to me. Since reading this book, I have also read As A Man Thinkeths, and I am currently reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Some would even argue that my first book, My Flexibility Manifesto, was spiritual. The beauty of The Fifth Agreement is that it correlates and connects to those other books. So it is like learning a writing lesson in English class, then going to science class and using those writing skills taught in English, then working on your first draft in Social Studies class. There’s synergy there.

What this book makes me realize is that this society, which is created by man, is very distorted from the universe that God created. When God created this world and us, and the first man and woman existed, we began to create images…symbols. Every single day we see symbols. We see them daily in marketing.We see them in our text messages, social media, clothing, etc. Democracy is a symbol. Capitalism is a symbol. The American Dream is a symbol. College is a symbol. Everything is a symbol. The problem dwells in those symbols, also known as “symbology.” That symbolism is false. It distorts God’s message and our individual purpose in life. Because of the symbols in smart phones, social media, the news, magazines, music, and entertainment, many of us struggle to hear God’s voice. We ignore our intuition and continue to walk into dangerous circumstances whether that is a preventable, bad, romantic relationship or a job that we should have turned down. Throughout my life, I have chased the American Dream. Some may argue that I have achieved this dream, but it doesn’t feel very satisfying. There is something missing, but because I believed in this false symbol, I am too far in to escape. No one warned me that higher education came with debt. No one discussed the ebbs and flows of marriage. No one taught me the essential skills of effective parenting. I learned these things through trial and error. So what do I do now that I know these symbols are false?

What further threw me for a loop, as a writer and as an artist, I realize I am using these symbols. Perhaps the purpose of the book was to raise awareness. Now that I am aware of it, I have to decide what am I going to do next. As stated in the text, I had to reflect on my message. What message was I conveying in my art? What message was I conveying in my conversations?Even if I now know that capitalism is a false symbol, is it okay that I participate in this symbol if I am doing it for the right reasons?

Another key point I discovered from reading The Fifth Agreement is that it acknowledges none of us have the right religion. So it doesn’t matter if you are a Catholic, a Baptist, a Muslim, or a Mormon. It’s about our relationship with God, not our slight differences in beliefs and customs. Think about when you were a child. You enjoyed life. You played with everyone regardless of how fat they were or how poor they were. Children operate from a perspective of no filter. They “call it as they see it.” So if a kid calls you fat, you’re probably fat. If a kid calls you ugly, you’re probably ugly. As brainwashed adults, our goal to try to reach that childlike innocence and purity where it was about play, entertainment, creativity, and enjoying life. Adulthood strips us of our innocence. Those bills and direct deposits work collectively in destroying who we really are. We need to take the time to discover who we really are. We need to discover our purpose.

Speaking of purpose, I will not say that The Fifth Agreement contradicts Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life, because this is a spiritual book; that’s a Christian book. Rather than to dig into the differences; there are a lot of similarities between both books.  In Warren’s work, he argues that our purpose is to love God, love our family, and to love others. And there are a million ways that we can love others and love God.That makes sense because there is God in us. So when I read the Fifth Agreement and it talks about recognizing our own divinity, I realize we are kings and queens. When I think back to this history of Africans, I realize that our history has been washed away unless you purposefully seek that knowledge. We are kings and queens of our own kingdom. It’s important that I have a purpose in my life. The Fifth Agreement advocates us to love ourselves. Before you can love someone else, you have to be able to love yourself. In summary, following these five agreements will lead to holistic success. Let’s look at each agreement in detail.


  1. Be impeccable with your word. Being impeccable with your word means that you respect yourself. If you respect yourself, you’re going to eat right, exercise, go to the doctor, go to the dentist, relax, have fun, and work hard. Of course you’re going to work hard, because you have goals. Being impeccable with your words means that you recognize the power of words. As a English teacher, writer, author, and advocate of language and communication, I live by the power of words. So it is imperative that I exemplify this agreement. By speaking with integrity, I will only use words that mean something. I will stand behind my words. There are so many people that make false promises and claim that they are doing this or that, but their actions show differently. I do not want to become that person. If I say I am going to do something, then I do it. Or perhaps, I don’t say anything, I let my actions speak for themselves. Also, being impeccable with your words means to not speak down on yourself or to gossip. Regarding the latter, I avoid eating lunch in the teacher’s lounge, because I do not agree with the gossip that takes place during that time. As I’ve matured, I have become more opinionated and steadfast in my beliefs and values. That has caused some friction between myself and others. Thus, for one reason or another, I genuinely do not like some people and some people probably do not like me. I am fine with that. However, I will not gossip about those people. If I say something behind someone’s back, I will say the exact words to that particular person’s face. I do not want any drama, but I am a man of my word. That’s integrity. More importantly, I will not speak down on myself. Recently, I met with my principal regarding my performance this past school year as an educator, co-worker, and leader. Overall, I did an excellent job, but my principal was unsure how I would take her criticism. She informed me that I was moody. I literally laughed when she said that, because she was 100 percent correct. I am moody. I am a lot of things that I am not proud of. As explained to my principal, I am my biggest critic as I know myself very, very well. And if you are like me and you strive toward excellence in everything that you do, you will become your own biggest critic. For example, one of the reasons why I didn’t pursue my rap career fully was because I was too harsh on my own music. It wasn’t that I wasn’t gifted or talented or didn’t make good music. It was the fact that I wanted to push myself to greatness and that required more than I was willing to commit to. I would take a song and work on it over and over and over again. I struggle with the idea of perfection. I want to create perfection in my art and work. And if you can relate to this idea of self-criticism, according to the text, you have to be careful with the words you say about yourself. So instead of saying, “damn I suck at that” or “I can’t do that,” you need to praise yourself consistently. When God created you in his image, he gave you everything that you needed to succeed and to excel. Recognize your own divinity. That might be the biggest takeaway from this book. Recognize your own divinity. There is God in you. You are great. Speak these short positive affirmations to mitigate any apprehension, uncertainty, or fear in your  life. Use your words to be truthful and to convey love to yourself and to others. I am a king in my kingdom. Because this is my heaven and not my hell, I am going to do everything possible to create and build my kingdom. If anyone disrespects me, I have the right to remove them from my kingdom and universe. I do not have to be on social media where there often exists a lot of negativity and judgment. At any moment, I can reject and remove social media. That’s why I don’t have SnapChat. I’m not going to do something just because it’s popular or trendy. That’s inherently, authentically me. Know who you are and value the words you say about yourself and about others.
  2. Don’t take anything personally. I’ve had trouble with this in the past. If someone says something disrespectful directly to me or indirectly about me (gossip), I’m ready to rip their figurative and literal head off. I refuse to debate about things that do not matter. How do I determine if something matters? I ask myself these two questions: 1) Does it align to my purpose and interests in life? 2) Does it correlate to my message? If it does not matter, then I ignore it. “Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dreams.” Because we are all kings and queens of our own kingdom, because our individual perspectives rule our lives, when people do or say things that you disagree with, do not criticize them. Recognize that everyone has an opinion based on the false symbols that believe in. Everyone has an ego. There is a difference between who we say we are and who we actually are. People struggle with the gap between their self-image and reality. Continue to be impeccable with your words. Do not get into unnecessary arguments and debates with people about their opinions and beliefs. If you are a Democrat and you see a Republican making offensive comments, do not engage in a debate with them. The possibility of legitimately changing someone’s mind, especially in the area of politics or religion, is very low. My favorite phrase from The Fifth Agreement is “It does not matter.” Focus on what really matters. Although it is a cliche, this life is  short. Focus your intellect, your gifts from God, and your precious time and energy on things, people, concepts, and ideas that really matter and align to your purpose and message. “When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.” I remember when I was a student at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. There was this Nashville girl that I was interested in. I didn’t know her well at all, but I thought she was attractive. I was single and looking for a potential girlfriend. I’m not sure what I said to her verbatim, but I do remember being very assertive early in our interactions. As a result, she sent me a long message telling me that she didn’t find me attractive. I do not recall saying anything disrespectful to her, but I was floored by her message. I stopped going out for a while. I avoided her on campus. For roughly a month, I thought I was ugly. I started lifting weights more, got my teeth whitened, changed my wardrobe, focused on my grooming habits, etc. And I did all of those things based on her words. Meanwhile, she was living, going to school, dating, partying, etc. I was in a “black-hole” hating myself and trying to improve something that didn’t need much improvement. If I was immune to her opinion then and didn’t take her harsh words seriously, I would not have stopped looking for a potential girlfriend and would not have wasted my resources (time, energy, thoughts, money) based on her words. That is why it is important to focus on you and to realize each person has their own views and beliefs based on their false symbols.
  3. Don’t make assumptions. “Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.” In that previous example, I should have mustered up the courage to ask her direct questions regarding her message. For example, I could have asked her the following: What about me specifically do you dislike or find unattractive? What do you look for in a guy? Where are you in life? What are your goals? Tell me about your childhood. What is your belief system? Are you looking for a relationship? Are you in a relationship? There are a lot of questions that I should have asked her, before I communicated my romantic desires. As stated, words are powerful. By being specific  and impeccable with your words, you can avoid the drama that comes from miscommunication and assumptions. Don’t make an assumption, you’ll make an…You know the rest. “Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstanding, sadness, and drama.” Any issues I have had with the opposite sex usually has stemmed from text messages. In the use of those symbols through technology, so much is lost. The context behind your words, your tone, and your affliction help convey your true message. I recently had a disagreement with a friend of mine. We were discussing music and the ability to effectively analyze music. He made a bizzare statement about one artist’s album being better than another artist’s album, and it drove me crazy. First, I made an assumption about him personally and his ability to analyze music, and made a joke that only a person with a G.E.D. would ever come to that conclusion. He bounced back with a statement about not listening to music to receive his education. That forced me to make another assumption about the meaning of his statement, which spiraled to me explaining my academic prowess and degrees. He bounced back again with a statement that degrees don’t matter and that I was insane. I responded back with a equally harsh statement. It spiraled out of control, and it started with a simple assumption. Because he and I were not face-to-face reading one another’s body language and able to fully listen to one another, we both made assumptions, which led to some harsh things being said. When we did meet in person, we were able to better explain ourselves without any bitterness or anger, and we were friends again. It’s just that simple. Be clear with your communication to avoid the drama.
  4. Always do your best. “Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.” Nothing is permanent. Everything in this world is temporary. No relationship, no success, no circumstance will stay the same. Everything changes. By realizing this fact of life, it allows you to not be so hard on yourself. Remember the discussion about self-criticism. If you are reading this blog, more than likely, you criticize yourself a lot. And you don’t criticize yourself because you don’t love yourself, but because you believe in yourself so much that you know you are capable of so much more. But no matter how healthy you eat or how many times you exercise, you will not always feel physically well. No matter how many times you meditate or go to church, you will not always feel spiritually well. No matter how much money you save and invest, you will not always feel financially well. It’s life. Accept it. Embrace it. As long as you give your all in that particular moment, you will be fine. You will succeed. Continue to speak those positive affirmations about your divinity and inherent greatness. Continue to be impeccable with your word and to avoid gossip. Recognize that everyone’s perception is based on their own vision, experience, and upbringing, don’t take their words or actions personally. Don’t make an assumption. Focus on you. Focus on your message. Focus on your purpose. Love yourself. Love others. Love God. When you show up to work, regardless if you are an employee, a contractor, or an entrepreneur, give your all to the best of your ability. Be consistent. Set goals. Chunk those goals into smaller, manageable, S.M.A.R.T. goals. And never give up. Create a structure of powerful habits. Execute.
  5. Be skeptical. But learn to listen. “Don’t believe yourself or anybody else. Use the power of doubt. Question everything that you hear.” Listen. People talk too much. By listening, you get to understand humanity and psychology—why humans do the things that they do. Regardless of your specific career, it is helpful to know why people do what they do. If you can tap into people’s psychology—you get that from listening—you can be successful. When I was a kid, I remember going to a Baptist church every Sunday and in my best attire and listening to the sermons. Unlike other kids, I wasn’t bored in church. I was listening. I was analyzing. I was thinking. Within my head, I was having a conversation with God. I wanted to know why was I here. Was it necessary for me to be in this physical space at this specifc time every Sunday wearing my best and giving away the few dollars I had in my bright green, plastic wallet? I needed answers. As I matriculated through elementary school, middle school, and high school. I listened. I analyzed. Why were my history teachers explaining the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus? I couldn’t relate. I wasn’t European. I wasn’t a White man. What about the accomplishments of my ancestors? Of my people? Why did we always have to learn about slavery? Why did we always have to learn about sharecropping and the Civil War? What about the great dynasties and inventors in Africa? What about their accomplishments? I wondered these things for many years. Lost in my young adulthood, I didn’t seek these answers. I didn’t seek these answers until I was in my mid-20s. And there is still an abundance of research that I haven’t conducted yet. There is still a lot of information that my soul needs. It’s not blasphemous to question the words in the Bible, Quran, or whatever religious doctrine the masses adhere to. Because we have been brainwashed by low quality music (music that lacks substance), television, advertising and outdated education, our brains have been molded by incorrect or biased information. That’s harmful. As we grow up and have children that grow up, whatever resides in our brains and thought patterns are engraphed to our children. They teach the same lessons and beliefs to their grandchildren. It’s a cycle. War is a cycle. Poverty is a cycle. Illiteracy is a cycle. Recidivism is a cycle. Mediocrity or meritocracy is a cycle. When do we break it? For my family, it starts with me. That’s why I write. It’s why I create content. It’s why I read so much. It’s why I listen so much. By learning to listen and being impeccable with your word, you realize that you don’t have to voice your opinion on everything. You don’t have to debate every issue or topic simply because you are a receiver of that message. You decide. You decide what messages to keep or to toss away. You decide what messages you convey in your actions and words.

This book is important. I highly recommend that you purchase, borrow, or check out The Fifth Agreement. Read it. Analyze it. Criticize it. Apply it to your life. Or don’t apply it to your life. There are several important messages in this text that I believe will improve your life. Our power as human beings begins in our spirit and mind.  We instinctively protect our physical selves. If someone throws something at you, you duck. If someone throws a punch at your face, you move and react with your own punch. So why don’t we instinctively protect our mental selves? We participate in celebrity gossip and talk about our co-workers in negative connotations. We listen to music that degrades our net worth (because we don’t earn $20,000 to $100,000 a show) and our women (“thot thot”). We watch or read the news, no matter how negative it might be, as much as we can. We ignore the importance of our own mental health. And as aforementioned, we speak down on ourselves. As a man thinks, so is he. As your thoughts about yourself and others improve, your actions will change. Your spirit will change. Work toward developing your mind and spirit until they are perfectly aligned.


Comment below. Follow me on Twitter @Blackscholaronl.





At the “tender” age of 31, I have realized that what mattered will not always matter. I used to be worried about being some “big shot” within a Fortune 500 company or becoming the next male version of Oprah (a la Tyler Perry to some extent). But I have let those aspirations go. Honestly, I never really pursued them. Instead, I chose to pursue something deeper. I am cutting back unnecessary expenses and creating a plan for a brighter, more stable, less stressful future. How am I doing that? By focusing on the things that matter most to me, here is my list:

  • God
  • Family
  • Health
  • Career

That’s it. The name brand of my car, clothes, or loafers does not matter any more. How quickly I can become wealthy does not matter anymore. Buying a new limited edition watch or drinking Starbucks every day (although I am presently there) does not matter any more. Buying every Apple product that has been released within the last 12 months does not matter any more. As much as I love the internet and technology, I loathe social media. There are too many individuals fighting for a miniscule amount of attention. Everything that is wrong with this world is heightened and respected on social media. The evils live on.

What does matter is my relationship with God. I swear to you that I cried when I heard Bishop T.D. Jakes’ sermon (sorry I did not get the exact title) where he said “You weren’t stillborn for a reason. You survived that accident for a reason…God has a purpose for your life.” I felt that God purposefully had me listening to that podcast at a time when I needed it most. Through all of the chaos of being a professional, a graduate student, a husband, a father, a writer, and everything else that I pretend to be, it was so easy to lose sight of what mattered most. It is like…no matter how many good things I do or bad sh*t I am in, he always pulls me in. I feel a gravitational pull toward God. My soul is deeply connected to this powerful entity. I could be in the middle of a bar surrounded by people, throwing back shots (unlikely but follow my imagery), laughing and dancing, but I could feel so alone. In the middle of chaotic situations, it feels like time is slowly down. I feel like a mutant. I feel like I have inherited special powers that allow me to deal with bullsh*t with abnormal patience and calamity. Companies do not scare me. Bills do not scare me. A lack of love does not scare me. The government does not scare me. Nothing scares me except God. I pray everyday for God to heal me where I am broken and for protection over my family. I am mentally and emotionally in the grey area of being jaded toward everything and being overtly calm toward pressure. This is a strange dichotomy.

My wife irritates the hell out of me sometimes, but I love her. I want her to be happy. I want her to be safe. During an infrequent Instagram-browsing-session, I came across a photo posted by r&b singer Omarion. I cannot remember the photo, but the caption punched my gut instantly. The caption read “The most important thing a father can do for their child is to love their child’s mother.” Damn. So through all of the bullsh*t that relationships tend to brew (like a hot cup of french roast), I am down. I am down for the cause. I am down for the intention. In America, we do not see “Black” love. We do not champion it, we do not advertise it, and we certainly do not write about it (at least not on a large scale). People only quit when things do not go as planned. When we get uncomfortable, we seek the quickest escape from that situation. That is why love does not last. People enter relationships expecting everything—expecting everything to be flawless and perfect. When personalities and ideologies clash, we fight, we argue, we swear, we run. But if you make that commitment (in the form of marriage), how can you honestly “un-commit” yourself? You cannot. You have to see this thing through to the end. I recognize that this idea goes against human nature especially in Western culture. Relationships change much like anything that lives. A relationship is an organism. Just like when a child grows up, their needs change gradually. “Black” love does not grow, because we fail to pay attention and act upon those changes. Sex might start a relationship, but it will never grow it. Money might start a relationship, but it will never grow it. Good looks might start a relationship, but it will never grow it. I have quit a lot of things in my life, but I am not going to quit something I seriously committed to. There is a such thing as false commitment that I will explore in a later post.

Nobody owes you anything—happiness, love, wealth, security, stability, etc. Those things, whether abstract or concrete, are created, valued, and sustained through you. For example, think about money. We all know how to earn it; offer a service, skill, or product and execute for the exchange of currency. But do we know how to grow it? That is what has been missing from my life in particular. I have love, but do I know how to grow it. I do not. But now that I have objectively dissected my love, I know what the problem is. Now I need to use this Jimmy-Neutron-sized-head-of-mine to investigate and establish a solution. I know how to earn money, but do I know how to grow it. Sort of—I feel more confident about money than love. That is a problem.

But see the beautiful thing about this life, is that we have the opportunity to change sh*t before it gets worse. Packing on pounds? Go outside and exercise. Feeling depressed? Go see a professional, exercise, read, and surround yourself with positive people. Ideally, for most of our problems, there is always a solution. The solution may look different in separate situations, but it solves the problem. We have an opportunity to get off the mat, when we get knocked down. We have the ability to learn from our mistakes and become better because of them. And because God is love, and I was created by God for a purpose. I know my purpose is to love and grow. God, family, health, and career are my focal points. Everything else is side chatter.


Twitter: @Blackscholaronl

Excerpt from J.K. Rowling’s speech to Harvard University graduates: A Lesson in Failure


On this wonderful day when we are gathered together to celebrate your academic success, I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure. And as you stand on the threshold of what is sometimes called ‘real life’, I want to extol the crucial importance of imagination.

These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but please bear with me.

Looking back at the 21-year-old that I was at graduation, is a slightly uncomfortable experience for the 42-year-old that she has become. Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between the ambition I had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me.

I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension. I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon anvil, now.

So they hoped that I would take a vocational degree; I wanted to study English Literature. A compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. Hardly had my parents’ car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor.

I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. Of all the subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.

I would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that I do not blame my parents for their point of view. There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you. What is more, I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty. They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.

What I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.

At your age, in spite of a distinct lack of motivation at university, where I had spent far too long in the coffee bar writing stories, and far too little time at lectures, I had a knack for passing examinations, and that, for years, had been the measure of success in my life and that of my peers.

I am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have never known hardship or heartbreak. Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment.

However, the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average person’s idea of success, so high have you already flown.

Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it. So I think it fair to say that by any conventional measure, a mere seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless. The fears that my parents had had for me, and that I had had for myself, had both come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew.

Now, I am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun. That period of my life was a dark one, and I had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represented as a kind of fairy tale resolution. I had no idea then how far the tunnel extended, and for a long time, any light at the end of it was a hope rather than a reality.

So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.

Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies.

The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned.

So given a Time Turner, I would tell my 21-year-old self that personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a check-list of acquisition or achievement. Your qualifications, your CV, are not your life, though you will meet many people of my age and older who confuse the two. Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.

Never Felt This Way



I wasn’t born to be hateful

I was raised to be grateful

Not grateful, but greatful

So for my greatness, I’m thankful

Innovating and capable

Thanks to my angels

Attacking the goals from different angles

I’m Abraham seeking God’s mission

Bringing every one of my dreams to fruition

This is soul food for thought no need for dishes

With my own blood I bleed to paint this image

Frame this vision, hang it in your household

Guaranteed to raise the property value of your cozy subdivision

Bread is nothing to humans, but everything to pigeons

But that’s dependent on your intellectual independence

Be accountable for your physical sinning

Ask for spiritual repentence

That forgiveness is your admission

To a better universe

Be thankful I didn’t mention you in a verse

Cause these lyrics and delivery coexist as my gift and my curse

Cause I could utilize this talent for good or evil

Don’t ever let anybody know that honestly they don’t need you

Cause good relationships make us better people

And you know God sees you

So before every action, choose a wise decision

I rise often, I ain’t use to sitting

If I was a part of the Civil Rights, guaranteed there would not be a sit-in

I’d have a bible and a gun; watching my brothers picket

Burning Jim Crow signs and tearing police tickets

Quoting Malcolm X speeches at my own place of business

Defying limits, pin stripped suited on

With the iron in it… 



Don’t Sit In, Stand Up


Student’s all over the world today are standing up for their rights and fighting for their rights, but here in America, the so-called Negro students have allowed themselves to be maneuvered under a tag of “sit-in”. The word sit itself is not an honorable tag, anybody can sit, and old woman can sit, a coward can sit, a baby can sit, anything can sit, but it takes a man to stand…. Rather than to force our way into someone else’s restaurant or public place that they have established, we should get our own. Once we have our own, we’re respected for the fact that we can create our own. That’s equality right there.


– Malcolm X

Richard Sherman: A Positive Example of Commitment


“I thought society had moved past that.” – Richard Sherman

Racism in America is alive and well. As we have surpassed important dates of MLK Day and Dr. King’s birthday, his “dream” continues to be unfulfilled. The ugliness of racism and racial prejudice broke out in hives via Twitter following Richard Sherman’s (of the National Football League’s Seattle Seahawks) post-game rant. Sherman was called a thug, nigger, monkey, and more insults following the interview. Gary Parrish, a CBS Sports writer, reported that Richard Sherman’s name and the words “Stanford graduate” were mentioned 11 times in mass media. Richard Sherman is a Stanford University graduate. The words “thug” and Sherman’s name were mentioned 625 times. Richard Sherman is not a thug. Thugs don’t go to college. 

Rather than debating whether Sherman is a thug or criticizing the racism prevalent in America, I would like to reference several articles that do so effectively. Here is a list:

In only two full seasons, Sherman has become one of the best cornerbacks and defensive backs in the NFL. Two full seasons. That’s like a novice teacher graduating from a teacher education program, teaching for two full academic years and winning a teacher of the year award. It’s unlikely. It’s unlikely, unless that individual is committed to their profession, skills, and potential. Ryan Clark, a NFL player for the Pittsburgh Steelers, recalls meeting Sherman for the first time “He said he would be a pro bowler. It wasn’t arrogant to me. It was definitely self-assured…It was letting me know that he had a goal of being one of the best in the game…I knew then that he had the confidence.”


Sherman learned it from his parents. Kevin Sherman, Richard Sherman’s father, rises daily at 4:00 A.M. to drive a garbage truck. He continues working despite the fact that his son signed a four-year contract worth $2.2 million. Sherman’s mother, Beverly, works with children with special needs in the inner city. She is committed to providing education to all children.

Richard Sherman knows all about commitment. At Dominquez High School—in a dangerous Compton community—he epitomized scholar-athlete. Sherman states “It’s really a negative-energy based society…I excelled on the field and off the field. Nobody is going to sit here and tell one of the top athletes at the school, ‘you’re a geek.’” He won a Division III football title, earned All-American honors in the triple jump, and ranked second in his high school class with a 4.2 cumulative grade point average (a result of successfully passing several rigorous advanced placement courses).

He continued his commitment at Stanford University—the fifth best university according to U.S. News. After excelling as a wide receiver for two seasons, Sherman injured his knee. Upon returning the next season, he willingly helped his team by moving to cornerback (a difficult task). He was committed towards serving his team. In 2010, he lead a strong secondary as Stanford’s football team only lost one regular season game (a record-setting season). As a member of Phi Beta Sigma and the Stanford Cardinal football team, Sherman earned a Bachelors of Arts degree (3.90 cumulative  GPA) in Communication (that included a statistics class at one of the most rigorous universities in the country). Additionally, Sherman is enrolled in a master’s degree program at Stanford, thus proving his academic astuteness.

Think about that for a moment: an African American boy (who doesn’t come from financial wealth) graduates second in his high school graduating class, and is accepted into one of the most academically challenging universities in the United States of America. Not only did he attend at elite University, he excelled.

He continued his commitment into the pros. Projected as the 24th best cornerback in 2011 out of 182 cornerbacks, Sherman was picked in the fifth round of the 2011 NFL draft. Nobody is expected to become good or excellent coming out of the fifth round. Based on his draft position, Sherman was predicted to possibly be a rotational player—not a starter or a future Hall of Famer. Furthermore, there were at least 19 cornerbacks chosen before Sherman. He was projected to be scouted in the sixth round. Out of obscurity, Sherman has risen to the top of defensive backs in the National Football League.

Think about that for a moment: a fifth-round draft pick transforms into an elite defensive back. A scholar-athlete that graduated from a University known for it’s academics with a 3.9 GPA was drafted into the NFL. While a majority of his peers focused on excelling in football and just getting along in academics, Sherman focused on both. Sherman excelled in both areas.

He continued his commitment into life. In 2013, Sherman launched Blanket Coverage, an official charity designed to help students acquire school supplies and clothes. Like his mother Beverly, Sherman is committed to education. Like his father Kevin, Sherman is committed to hard work. His commitments have empowered Sherman to overcome the odds stacked against him.

As the negative media attention and racist comments continue, I recognize Sherman’s excellence as a human being, scholar, African American, man, and spirit. Hopefully, you feel the same.

Please share this article with someone who cares about excellence and respects people of all ethnicities, races, and backgrounds. Thank you. Follow me on Twitter: @BlackScholarONL

Think Different by Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs flips off his competition.

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Why I Treat Negativity Like a Plague


I’m not sure how many of you read Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon. It’s a great book about creativity and productivity. The lessons taught in this book can be applied to any discipline, industry, or skill. It’s been one of my favorite books since 2012—when I first read it. Like most readers of good work or good art, you find yourself wanting to connect with the creator of the good work. I tried. I followed Austin Kleon on Twitter. I have also listened to several interviews featuring Mr. Kleon. In summary, I came away unimpressed and confused each time.

Today, I un-followed Mr. Kleon. Why? Well, the easiest way to explain why is to say that he’s a jerk. I don’t mean that disrespectfully, but as a honest opinion based on numerous observations. He didn’t say anything negative to me, but it felt like every fourth tweet was negative or condescending.

I loathe negativity. It saps my energy. I don’t like being angry. We have enough “angry Black men” in America, right? As I pondered why his tweets were so negative, I recalled a specific section in his book. Kleon writes the following:

“You’re going to see a lot of stupid stuff out there and you’re going to feel like you need to correct it. One time I was up late on my laptop and my wife yelled at me, ‘Quit picking fights on Twitter and go make something!’ She was right. But anger is one of my favorite create resources.”

Ahhhh. It all makes sense now. He purposefully tweets negative things and comes off as a jack ass, because 1) He probably is a jack ass jerk, 2) He uses the negativity as fuel for his creativity. I respect the latter. I can relate. But there’s something in my spirit, something that tells me that’s not right—that’s not the way to do things. Even in Kleon’s own book, in chapter 8, it says “BE NICE. (The world is a small town). So why isn’t this guy taking his own advice?

My problem is that I know the connection or correlation between having a successful business and connecting with people. I saw it firsthand with my grandfather. He woke up bright and early every morning. He came to pick his eldest grandson up—myself. I hopped in his jeep or his Volvo and we drove to Sam’s Club, almost every morning. We grabbed donuts, big boxes of candy, coffee, water, chips, soda, and a copy of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Most of these items were for the vending machines. Grandpa would later remind me that the customers wouldn’t get comfortable in a place of business without having access to some luxuries—such as snacks and beverages. The donuts and coffee were for the staff. He believed in keeping his barbers and beauticians fed. He made connections with his people in subtle ways. Additionally, grandpa helped his employees with their taxes, legal situations, and lives. He frequently met with his young staff to offer life advice. Despite his success, he never took any employee, vendor, or customer for granted.

Unsurprisingly, the thesis of Welcome to Black Excellence is connections. In order for the Black community in America to improve, we have to support one another. Ask any psychologist or sociologist, society is based on relationships and connections. There are no self-made millionaires or billionaires. Every human being needs someone. As an introvert, I  can credibly say that even introverts or “home bodies” need people. If you create art for a living like Austin Kleon, you need people to want to read, view, appreciate, share, and buy that art. That requires you to be likable.

In this social media dominant era, artists, writers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, athletes, and professionals need to be mindful of what we say and do online. I encourage everyone to be genuine. “Be yourself.” By being yourself, you will be unmistakable and possibly remarkable. But regardless of your gifts and talents, your personality and how you interact with others determines your success. Your attitude determines your altitude. Now I personally recognize that some people didn’t like the content of  My Flexibility Manifesto: Following Your Passion 2 Success. I used positive psychology and spirituality to advise readers how to find meaningful, purposeful work and their life’s purpose. Anytime you talk about politics, religion, or spirituality, you are going to turn some people off. I was well aware. Thus, my approach for Welcome to Black Excellence is different.

As an African American intellect and creative, here’s my conundrum. There are 4.6 million African Americans with bachelor’s degrees. A quick Google or Twitter search with the words “Black Scholar” will result in many results that include myself. In creating Black Scholars LLC in December 2010, I have seen two sides of the coin. One side of Black scholarship is harsh, extremely political, anti-White, anti-Anglo Saxon, anti-European or Western influence. The rhetoric is unforgiving of this nation’s ugly past. This type of Black scholarship borrows from Nat Turner’s rebellion and Marcus Garvey’s teachings. A clear example of this type of scholarship can be found on Tavis Smiley’s and Cornel West’s Facebook group based on their collaborative efforts against poverty (which is strange, because neither Tavis Smiley or Cornel West subscribe to this scholarship).

The other side of Black scholarship is positive, uplifting, and future-focused (I even started my own Facebook group that depicts that). This half of the dichotomy is cognizant of America’s past and present, but it is not engulfed or handicapped by it. Although, I don’t write much about slavery, America’s true discovery, or African empiricism, I know that history well. I believe that history. I respect that history. But I didn’t study African American cultural studies in college (independently I did examine many issues from the African American perspective). I studied psychology. I studied education. And now I’m studying professional and technical writing/communications. Combine all three, and you have me. A gifted writer that believes in the power of education and positive psychology. I recognize that our history books are inaccurate and mainly one-sided. But I can’t change that bias. What I can change is the perspective that I write from and the perspective that some African Americans operate from. We can operate from a place of affluence, togetherness, and hope. Does that make me the ultimate scholar? No. But I’m learning.

Regardless of what side of Black scholarship I picked, inevitably I would piss some people off.

By being true to myself, I am creating the best art possible. I am focused on those that resonate with the future-focused paradigm of change in our communities. I am still being remarkable. I won’t participate in racist antics or discriminatory practices against people who look different than myself. What’s the purpose of the art if you delete the potential fans and viewers of the art? It’s not about ME. It’s about the people—all people—not just a small portion of the whole. Once we truly understand this, we will be successful as a society. Right now, we are not successful.

Consequently, teachers aren’t teaching effectively in our nation’s classrooms, because they still think it’s about them. It’s not! It’s about the children. Businesses are failing one after another, because they think it’s about them, their board of directors, their website, or their marketing plans. It’s not! It’s about the people, the consumers, the users, and the audience.

The reason why Apple and Oprah Winfrey are so successful  is caused by their authentic focus on the people. 

The goal for any creator, artist, entrepreneur, or professional is to SERVE the people. It’s about enhancing and increasing the lives of your tribe. That’s why I encourage Facebook users to comment on statuses and interact versus simply liking posts and pages. If Facebook is truly a social platform, then people should be socializing.

Think about it from this perspective, would you rather sell a million books and no one talks about how that book changed their lives for the better? Or would you rather sell 10 books and it dramatically impacts the lives of the readers to the point that they start opening their own businesses, falling in love, believing in God, and volunteering for non-profit organizations? For most of us, we want the gray area. We want to be commercially successful while impacting lives. And we can have both. But it starts with YOU focusing on your PEOPLE. It’s not about you. It’s about them. If you approach your art, your work, and your business, from a perspective of how you can add value to your audience’s lives, you will not be able to hold the abundance of blessings that will come your way.

For the record, I admire Austin Kleon’s work. I was only using him as an example to make my point. His book inspired my writing and creativity, but I don’t like his personality.

If you liked this editorial, please comment below and share it with someone you love. Subscribe at the top (click the “Follow” button). Email me at Follow me at Twitter: @BlackScholaronl. And thank you for reading! I appreciate YOU.

The Bad B*tch Syndrome: Time for a Change


“Bitch bad, woman good
Lady better, they misunderstood
(Im killin these bitches)
Uh, tell em
Bitch bad, woman good
Lady better, they misunderstood
They misunderstood
(Im killin these bitches)”

Lupe Fiasco brought to light an interesting African American propensity—the infamous “bad bitch.” If you are wondering what a “bad bitch” is, I will explain it to you. But before I do, recognize that reality t.v. stars like Erica Mena from Love & Hip-Hop and Draya Michelle from Basketball Wives are considered “bad bitches.” I wrote about Draya previously.Honestly, I hate investigating why people are ignorant. And make no mistakes about it, this term is ignorant. However, I must dig into why Black women themselves refer to one another as “bad bitches.” Beyonce is a world-class singer, actress, and performer, yet she is notoriously called a “bad bitch.” As a 30-something, wife and mother, does Mrs. Knowles-Carter want to be known as a “bad bitch.” I doubt it. She may play that role for the cameras and the public, but she has enough sense and intelligence to recognize the power of those words. Yes, “bad bitch” is a powerful phrase.

Admittedly, I do favor the term “bad.” Not “bad” in a negative connotation, rather “bad” like how Michael Jackson implied in hit single. “Bad.”

Because I’m Bad, I’m Bad-
Come On
(Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad)
You Know I’m Bad, I’m Bad-
You Know It
(Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad)
You Know I’m Bad, I’m Bad-
Come On, You Know
(Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad)
And The Whole World Has To
Answer Right Now
Just To Tell You Once Again,
Who’s Bad . . .

If you want a clear example of a bad chick, read about Letitia James—the first African American woman to be elected to citywide office in New York City. As a Howard University Law school graduate, she epitomizes a “bad chick.”

Here’s my opinion of what bad should mean. A woman that’s “bad “is a woman that recognizes her self-worth. Not only does she recognize her worth, but she demands that everyone else does too.

Furthermore, a woman that’s “bad” is about her business—whatever that business may be. Although she may be about her business, she recognizes that she needs God, family, and love. She lives to love. Practically-speaking, she is consistent in her efforts. She consistently keeps the house clean. She consistently keeps the clothes clean and pressed. She consistently keeps food in the refrigerator and cabinets. She knows how to cook and doesn’t mind cooking for her loved ones. She works hard in every aspect of her life. And if she doesn’t know something, she is willing to learn. She’s fully aware of the stereotypes about women of color particularly Black women, and she purposefully ignores them all.

A bad woman is never complacent. She’s always looking for new opportunities to improve. She is seeking to serve others. Her servitude is one of her greatest gifts. Her servitude may vary, but it’s obvious. She’s giving advice to those in need. She’s volunteering to wash the dishes. She’s buying clothes for children in need. She’s has a giving heart. She is a spitting image of her creator.

Regardless of her occupation, she is bad. She is working towards becoming an expert in her field. She’s never content with a single source of income. She’s reading books, listening to podcasts, and attending conferences. She is adding certifications and degrees to her credentials. She takes notes during church sermons. She takes time to reflect on her goals, vision, and purpose. If she’s an accountant, she’s helping her friends and relatives understand complicated tax laws that could save them thousands of dollars. If she’s an attorney, she’s doing pro bono work to help the homeless and elderly. If she’s a teacher, she’s connecting with problematic children at a level unseen and supporting these students in various ways.

What society gets wrong about bad women is that they are not bitches. The word “bitch” is not a term of endearment. I acknowledge the cool thing to do in modern society is to take a negative, hurtful word and use it to mitigate the word’s former power. It doesn’t work. “Nigger” or “nigga” will always be derogatory, and so will the term “bitch.” Adding bad as a modifier to it doesn’t change it’s true meaning.

Finally, a bad woman recognizes her beauty—intrinsically and extrinsically. She works hard to keep her weight down and to live healthy. She’s responsible for her past, present, and future. She’s working on her relationship with God. She’s working on her career choices and vocation. She’s working on her spirit of generosity by volunteering and giving back to the community. She saves and invests money. She aims for excellence in her life. That doesn’t make her perfect. She’s knows she’s not perfect, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.

That’s a bad chick—a bad woman. By being bad, she’s good. By being bad, she’s great. She’s a reflection of the excellence that she derived from—heaven. I invite everyone to embrace this woman. I invite everyone to address this woman by her true name—queen. Instead of conforming to the ignorance of society, let’s refute these terms that we allow our queens to be mislabeled as.

Follow me on Twitter: @Blackscholaronl or email me at